
AI created pictures you can make for Free

All of the images you see in this post were made by an Artificial Intelligence. They are original and unique and can be frankly mind blowing. They were all created…

Alien in white room

Will JWST find Intelligent life?

The James Webb telescope is the most powerful instrument we have ever placed in space to look at our universe. With the successful launch and deployment of the telescope we…

U.S. Budget

A Trillion Dollars stacked flat. A perspective on how much money that really is.

(Source CENTER-US.com) – With recent budgets talking about funding in the trillions of dollars being tossed about, it seems that we have lost perspective on how much money that really…


Today’s Solar Image

This impressive image is the best from a collection of NASA/NOAA satellites. These satellites monitor the sun 24 hours a day collecting important solar images and space weather information. We…

Solve Global Warming with 3.5 Trillion dollars. Don’t waste it on pork.

(Source Center-us) The Democrat’s proposed spending bill has a lot in it, and it is way off target. First of all we should not be spending 3.5 trillion dollars…period. This…

Nice Solar Flares and Alert

The sun has been acting up and we captured some impressive solar flares. This activity spawned a space weather alert from NOAA: Issue Time: 2021 Jan 30 0513 UTC CONTINUED…

Dear Senators – On Impeachment

Dear Senators, As a member of the voting public I am against this blatant abuse of the impeachment process. This process is being abused and weaponized to assure President Trump…

U.S. Leadership is on Clear Path To Socialism-Communism

There is a concise list of items that would need to be executed in order to establish socialism in the United States. Many items on that list are now checked…