Update 10/2/13 – Effects from CME felt on Earth. Read about the Geomagnetic Storm.
Original Post below:
A spectacular CME erupted which could have an effect on Earth on 9/29/13. This large ejection was capture in the image you see above. The solar activity does appear to be increasing after a recent down turn. The lack of activity was a surprise as we are near or at the 11 year Solar max. This particular filament erupted from the northwest quadrant of the sun. Beginning at about about 30-50 Earths or ~380,000-640,000 kilometers in size producing a C1.2 solar flare. The mass left the sun moving at approximately 900 km/s (2 million mph). Further analysis since the initial even has shown it is not aimed toward Earth. There is a chance the Earth’s magnetosphere could receive a glancing blow on Oct. 2-3.
Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be moderate. Solar radiation storms reaching the S2 level are expected.

Has anyone noted that the picture of the sun contains on the right hand side what appears to me to be a child waving at us. You can even see the fingers in their hand. At least its not the flying fickle finger of fate.
Hmmm…can’t say I see it….but I guess it’s like looking at clouds, you can see all kinds of stuff if you look hard enough.