China Announced The Astronaut Crew for Saturday Launch

China has announced the three people it will be sending up for its first manned docking spaceflight, to be launched Saturday, June 16.

The crew of the Shenzhou 9 space docking mission met with reporters today, June 15 at china’s Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The crew will be Jing Haipeng, Liu Wang and the country’s first woman to fly in space, Liu Yang.

The crew will be on top of a Long March 2F rocket. They will then fly their Shenzhou 9 space capsule to china’s Tiangong 1, It is a prototype space station that has been orbiting Earth since last year.

The astronauts are going to preform at least two docking test, one automatic, one manual. They are also going  spend several days living and working inside the Tiangong 1 lab.

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