Here is a pretty cool thing. MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) has an interactive map that shows you all of the UFO sightings and reports they have. If you zoom in and find one interesting you can see any pictures they have, recordings of sound and the testimony of the first hand witnesses. I looked through a bunch of them and there were many boring blurry photos of “UFOs” that were most likely stars, planes, imagination but there were a few that looked interesting. Here is one from December 2019 in Minnesota. The submitter offered the following details. “Looking at the awesome sun rise this morning out patio door and took some photos. when i was reviewing the photos, i saw this object in the first photo but not in any others. very confusing and strange. not sure what to think.”
Here is a link to the case See the picture below from one of them.

Look in the upper fight and you will see what looks like a flying saucer….hmmm……You might want to check out the database. Send us any interesting cases you find and think we might want to publish.
Thanks that make you go hmmmmm